Introduction to ggplot2
Please watch this video made by me. This video is about introduction to ggplot2 package.
the purpose of the ggplot2 is to produce useful graphics with ggplot2 as quickly as possible.
In this video i have explained about:
1) know the mpg dataset in ggplot2 packages
2) the 3 components of every plot:
a) data
b) aesthetics
c) geoms
3) how to add additional variables to a plot with aesthetics
4) how to display additional categorical variable in a plot using small multiples created by faceting
5) a variety of different geoms that you can use to create different types of plots
6) how to modify the axes
7) things you can do with a plot object other than display it, like save it to disk.
The R script / R code used in this video can be downloaded under R Course! tab on the upper right of this page. In R Course! page, please find introduction to ggplot2 box and download it.
Thank You,
Hope it will benefit your learning on ggplot2
Jasa Tidak Binasa